Tamil Maruthuva Noolkal Koorum Naadi Nilaikal – Oor Aaivu

தமிழ் மருத்துவ நூல்கள் கூறும் நாடி நிலைகள் - ஓர் ஆய்வு

  • T Suba Research Scholar, Department of Tamil, Annai Velankanni College, Tholayavattam
  • K Aji Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil, Annai Velankanni College, Tholayavattam
Keywords: Siddha systems, Medical books, Vathanaadi, Pithanaadi, Silerpananaadi, Neerambal, Thasanaadi, Panchanaadi, Idakalai, Pinkalai, Sulimunai, Paandu, Eelai


The Medical system detected by the Ancient Tamils is called Siddha Medicine and Tamil Medicine. There are numerous books on this system of medicine. Among them is Siddha Maruthuva Chintamani, Maranakandi, Agasthya Nool Thirattu and also the Vedic Manuscript Vagada Sangiraha Chintamani. Our body has 72,000 nerves. It is shortened and divided into Dasanadi, Panchanadi and Vatha Pitha Kapa. It is also known as Idakalai (vatham), Pinkalai (pitham) and Suli munai (ayyam). Nadi is seen in ten places but karam (hand) is considered to be the best place. It is considered to be an ideal place for women to look for the left and men the right hand. This study clearly explains how to hold the pulse, how the pulses walk, and what happens due to differences in the pulse.

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