Animism in Folk Deities Cult in Malaysia
மலேசியச் சிறுதெய்வ வழிபாடுகளில் உயிர்ப்பாற்றல்
Folk deities cult began in Malaysia when Tamils were brought by the British to work in the rubber plantation. Tamils brought a handful of soil, spears, and trident as depictions of their ideal deities. Tamils tend to builts shrines for the deities in Malaysia around their residents, within house compounds, and at the center of rubber plantations. These folk deities cult contains a massive number of animism in its cult. Animism in Malaysian folk deities cult can categorize as animals cult, weapons cult, and trees cult. This article founds that Malaysia Tamils still follow animism in their folk deities cult until today.
Copyright (c) 2021 Dhilip Kumar Agilan

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