Vzhiyerkum Peyarkalum Vzhiyela Peyarkalum

விளியேற்கும் பெயர்களும் விளியேலாப் பெயர்களும்

  • T Pushparani Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil Literature Nallamuthukkaundar Mahalingam College, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Vzhithal, Vzhimarabu, Tolkappiyam, Nannul, Syntax, Nickname


‘Delivering’ means ‘calling’. The names that can come in the meaning of this call are called calling names. Exclamation points refer to the forwarding of the person or object belonging to the name. There are some rules for accepting nouns ‘vili’ in Tamil language. It is easy to call someone by name without any change in the name when pointing to the name in the meaning of ‘offering’. When interpreted, it often sounds like the final sound of the name. Calling someone a little farther away should definitely make the final sound louder. Therefore, the ‘syllable’ or ‘syllabic syllable’ in the name can be stretched to the same level as the syllable or, if necessary, easily extended to include a syllable. Finally, vowel words and consonant words require different methods. It also requires different methods that are compatible with calling someone far away and calling someone nearby. Many other grammar and linguistic texts, including the Nannul, beginning with Tolkappiyam, the first book in the Tamil language, have recorded the grammar of names that have traditionally evoked such rules, with changes over time. This is what we call ‘vilimarapu’. The purpose of this paper is to document the changes that have taken place between the two grammatical texts, the Tolkappiyam and the Nannul, with evidence of the present state of affairs, as well as to point to the messages of such grammar.

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