Elements of Psychological in Maruthakkali Subject

மருதக்கலி பாடுபொருளில் உளவியல் கூறுகள்

Keywords: Sangam Literature, Kalithogai, Maruthakali, Psychology, Thalaivan, Thalaivi, Harlot


Sangam literature is the literature that brings to the world the incomparable culture of the Tamils. Kalithogai book is highlighted by the educator’s in the ettuthogai of sanam literature. It is praised by the educators and the learned. This article explores only the psychological components of the maruthakali songs in the ainthinai.
The science of the behaviour of an organism is called psychology. In the maruthakali songs the psychological component of correcting the attempt to alleviate the anger of the thalaivi and the anger of the concubine, which appears to be due to sexual intercourse, is revealed. The division between the thalaivan of the harlot and the thalaivan lies to cover up the division to the thalaivi has subtly articulated the psychology. Moreover, the emotions about the behaviour that arise in the thalaivi indicate the elements of the reaction expressed in psychology. Thalaivan who went to the harlot behaved like an infallible man, but the thalaivan looks straight at the opposite person and does not fell the news, but bows his head and avoids the sight. Such act refers to the psychology of renunciation. When a thozhi expresses his hatred for the thalaivan to baana, the migration takes place. This phenomenon works when it carries its misery into the sound of a cuckoo, which reduces stress and relieves distress. He also sees his face turning the blame on himself, saying that the thalaivan is not wrong. All the above messages are psychology expressed through the actions of the Mandars. The purpose of this article is to state such psychology.

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