“Pudiya Veielum Neelakadalum” Navalil Vazhvin Etharththangal

“புதிய வெயிலும் நீலக் கடலும்” நாவல் புனைந்திடும் வாழ்வின் எதார்த்தங்கள்

Keywords: Pudiya Veielum Neelakadalum, Noval, Soren Kierkegaard, Either / or Tamil Novel, Criticism


On the one hand, it is to live that life is to live. On the other hand, it is to make a commitment to live this way and not to deviate from it. We can see that the way of life of man lies behind these contradictory principles. As Kierkegaard puts it in his book Either / or, it is as if man’s life is an ethical life and an aesthetic life. That is to say, it is the reality of human life to experience every moment the various existences of joy, sorrow, hatred, sadness, misery, etc., as life is conducted in the context of unexpected twists and turns, problems and struggles. A copy of such realities is the novel ‘ pudiya veielum neelakadalum (The New Sun and the Blue Sea). With two central characters, Ashokarajan and Latha, this article presents a glimpse into the realities of human life that are intertwined with the story of the novel.

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