The ‘Nannool’ Say the Teacher and Student’s Grammar, Anna Likes Teacher and student’s Ideal

நன்னூல் கூறும் ஆசிரியர், மாணவர் இலக்கணமும் பேரறிஞர் அண்ணா விரும்பும் ஆசிரியர், மாணவர் இலட்சியமும்

  • S Kavitha Professor & Head, School of Indian Languages and Comparative Literature, Tamil University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Grammar, Bible, Anna, Teacher, Student


Anna once worked as a teacher. So he knows the teacher’s ways. He carefully pondered the teachers’ problems and expressed his views. Teachers should consider themselves well-offered rather than well-offered. Teaching is like sugarcane. On the one hand they gain knowledge; On the other hand they impart the acquired knowledge to the students. The work of teaching teachers and students. It is as if the mother bird and the young birds search for prey until it is ripe. When the baby bird reaches hunting maturity, it grows its own food. Just like a mother bird is happy to see this, teachers are also happy to see their students shine in knowledge. This article tries to compare the views expressed by teachers and students Nannool and Professor Anna.

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