Humanity Activity of Nanthan Character in Veerakumarn Vadamodi Koothu – A Study

வீரகுமாரன் நாடகம் வடமோடிக் கூத்தில் நந்தன் பாத்திரத்தின் மனிதநேயச் செயற்பாடு - ஓர் ஆய்வு

Keywords: Humanity, Nanthan, Kooththu Theatre, Veerakumaran Script, Education Service


The Events of Rituals and performing arts provide space for people to live together, celebrate, and enjoy in the contemporary globalization environment. Artistic activities create new awareness among the society. Koothu theatre is a form of community theatre studied among the Eelam Tamils. It also helps to achieve optimal stability. While the Scrip of the Koothu is written with stories from Bharata and Ramayana, historical stories, fables, social justice stories, etc. are also included. The written script of ‘Veerakumaran’ in Sri Lanka is performed in a version of the Vadamodi Koothu style.It is also performed as a Therukoothu in Tamil Nadu. This Veerakumaran drama shows that the humanity not found in the kings and the so-called high castes is always present in the common people. This study is designed with a qualitative approach and descriptive research methodology. The article is selected as the model for this review. Data is collected and analyzed by re-reading the transcript. The study aims to reveal the human nature of the character ‘Nanthan’. Research question: Nandan on how life-saving and educational services realize remarkable humanity through characterization. As a result of these findings, Nanthan, the leader of Paraicherry, rescues and takes care of Queen Sornakandhi with love and compassion when she loses her husband due to the conspiracy of a minister pregnant Sornakandhi. Nanthan also arranged, guided, and comforted the midwife to deliver her child. Later, Nanthan raised the child as his uncle and taught him many skills. The lesson of this is to reveal that life-saving and educational services are available to ordinary people without dominant power.

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