Feminist Thoughts in the Works of Manikodi P. S. Ramaiah

மணிக்கொடி பி.எஸ்.ராமையாவின் படைப்புகளில் பெண்ணியச் சிந்தனைகள்

  • T Paulraj Ph.D. Scholar, Government Arts College for Men, Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Manikodi, C.S.Chellappa, Feminist Thoughts, Pudhumaipithan, Women’s Liberation


Manikodi magazine was one of the magazines that appeared during the liberation period. This magazine was founded by Indian freedom fighters like K.Srinivasan, V.Ramasamy and T.S.Chockalingam. K. Srinivasan was the Editor-in-Chief and wrote messages related to liberation and liberation sentiments. This magazine was published as a short story, poem and voice of the freedom struggle which was later transformed into a short story magazine. Newspapers play a major role in the media that supports social change. Manikodi, the national weekly in Tamil literature, sprouted like a morning star in the line of newspapers. It was the first magazine in Tamil to create taste and respect for Tamil literature and it published short stories with cultural values that brought about a change in society. When the editor-in-chief K. Srinivasan got an opportunity to work in Delhi India, he was about to abandon the magazine and P.S. Ramaiah took over the management of the magazine. After P.S. Ramaiah took over, more short stories were featured in Manikodi. Most of the writers of Manikodi short stories have intense patriotism and social consciousness with freedom as their breath. The emancipation of women was also advocated as a wing of the Indian national liberation movement. Manikodi writers who had Bharathiyar as their forerunner wrote short stories on the status of women and reforms for them. V.R., Pudhumaipithan, Chitty, C.S.Chellappa, P.S.Ramaiah, Ku.P.Ra. they also wrote feminist ideas in their works and expressed them to this society through Manikodi.

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