Gilding Lotus in Panar’s Social Tradition

பாண் சமூக மரபும் பொற் பூச்சூட்டலும்

  • V Mariselvi Research Scholar (Full time), Reg. No. 22212014022007, Post Graduate and Center for Tamil Studies, ABC Mahalakshmi College for Women, Thoothukudi, Accredited by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Panar, Gilding Lotus, Ethnic Group, Virali, Nomadic Community


In ancient times, a nomadic community called the Panar community lived in the Tamil landscape between North-West and South-East. They are not people who live in one place but move around in search of their livelihood. Sangam literature records these people as Tolkudinars who live in search of the King and Vallals. The artistic character of these tribes was also appreciated during the formation of the state. One of the honors given by the kings and ministers to these people who lived with their art was gold Lotus. The research paper is also about its legacy.

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