Moral Values in the Society Depicted in Silappathikaram

சிலப்பதிகாரம் காட்டும் சமூகத்தில் அறம்

Keywords: Culture, Asceticism, Society, Lifestyle, Silappathikaram


Silappathikaram, one of the five great Tamil epics, is attributed to Ilango Adigal, a prince of the Chera dynasty. This work served as a model for later Tamil epics. The Sangam era is often referred to as the “Age of Righteousness” (Aram Nerikkaalam), highlighting the significance of morality during that time. The moral values presented in Silappathikaram can still be observed in the lifestyles of contemporary Tamil society. Since ancient times, people belonging to a particular culture have lived together as a society. Despite their collective way of life, they exhibited diversity and complexity. Social activities were characterized by differences and conflicts. Against this backdrop, Silappathikaram reveals various moral values relevant to the society of that period. Concepts such as justice for those who suffer injustice, the reverence for the chaste woman (Pattini), and the inevitability of fate (Uzhvinai) form the foundation of this epic. Silappathikaram also sheds light on various aspects of society, including the people’s way of life, culture, religion, the status of women, political justice, and legal traditions. This study aims to illustrate the moral values presented in the epic and analyze their relevance and usefulness for the Tamil community. Additionally, under the theme “Moral Values in the Society Depicted in Silappathikaram,” this research examines the extent to which the ethical principles described in the epic were followed in the societal structure of that time, how relevant they were to ancient society, and how applicable they are to modern society.

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