Sociobiographical Identities of Diaspora Tamil Women Narrators in Chinalakshmi’s Short Stories

சீனலட்சுமி சிறுகதைகளில் புலம்பெயர் தமிழ் பெண் கதைமாந்தர்களின் சமூக வாழ்வியல் அடையாளங்கள்

  • N Vijayalakshmi Research Scholar, Department of Tamil, Ayya ​​Nadar Janaki Ammal College, (Autonomous), Sivakasi
  • P Tamilarasi Research Scholar, Department of Tamil, Ayya ​​Nadar Janaki Ammal College, (Autonomous), Sivakasi
Keywords: Diaspora Literature, Social Environment, Signs, Characters, Modern Literature, Analyst, Hammer, Traditions, Rituals, Coffee Shop, Partners, Internal Politics, Self-reliance Difference


Many Tamil people in Singapore are contributing to the further growth of Tamil literature. Among them, female writers began to emerge after 1990. The research article aims to examine the current status of women writers in the contemporary literary world, the diaspora community, and how the identities of tamilwomem inform the lives of their narrators in the context of the Singaporean social context.

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