Traces of Tamil Studies – History and Values

தமிழியல் தடங்கள் - வரலாறும் விழுமியங்களும்

  • V Kannadasan Assistant Professor, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Humanities, Chennai
Keywords: Natural Dynamics, Tolkappiyam’s Structural Theories, Intellectual Traditions, Tamil Studies Research Perspectives, Archaeological Findings, Historical Narratives, Commentary Traditions, Printing and Publishing


Every language’s literary and grammatical texts serve as historical models, recording human thought processes and shaping time and its contradictions. In this context, Sangam literature can be identified as valuable documentation that provides insights into the socio-cultural and intellectual traditions of ancient Tamil society. A deep analysis of the structure and thematic aspects of the poems in the Sangam corpus reveals oral traditions that were prevalent among the early Tamil communities. These compositions, which existed as oral poems before being transcribed onto manuscripts, highlight the transformation from oral to written traditions.The materials, cultural values, and historical sources that evolved from oral traditions to written records have been analyzed over time based on geographical and political contexts. With the arrival of Europeans and the spread of the printing press, Tamil studies underwent a shift influenced by scientific and Marxist perspectives. Researchers from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds integrated these perspectives, challenging previous interpretations and necessitating a re-reading of Tamil history and literature.This article aims to compile and compare the evolving research trends in Tamil studies over time, analyzing the various research trajectories that have shaped the field.

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