Singapore’s Bilingual Policy and Tamil Education: An Introduction

சிங்கப்பூரின் இருமொழிக்கொள்கையும் தமிழ்க்கல்வியும்: ஓர் அறிமுகம்

  • T Sundararaj Lecturer, Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Keywords: Bilingual Policy, Tamil Education, Multicultural Identity, Tamil, Malay, Chinese


This article explores Singapore’s bilingual policy and its impact on the promotion of Tamil education within the country’s multi-ethnic society. It examines the significance of language policy in Singapore’s development and its social, economic, and educational consequences. Following the People’s Action Party’s rise to power in 1959, the bilingual policy—emphasizing English alongside mother tongues—was strongly advocated. Former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew recognized the necessity of English for economic growth, international trade, and scientific advancement while also acknowledging the importance of preserving multicultural identity through mother tongues. As a result, Tamil, Malay, and Chinese were incorporated into the bilingual policy. This policy played a crucial role in strengthening Tamil language education by promoting English-Tamil bilingualism among Tamils in Singapore. This article provides a concise overview of this policy and its role in enhancing Tamil education.

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