Shanlax International Journal of Tamil Research
<p>P-ISSN: 2454-3993 | E-ISSN: 2582-2810</p>Shanlax International Journalsen-USShanlax International Journal of Tamil Research2454-3993A Rereading of Manimekalai
<p>Shathanar’s Buddhist propaganda purpose is embodied in Manimekalai epic’s excessive natural events and supernatural legends. The effort of religions to suppress the human senses that wash the human body has been emphasized in the Buddhist tradition. In the face of increasing inequality among people, Manimekali narrative has tried to subtly do the work of justifying existence. The emphasis on morals and ethics on religious grounds shows that the power of the rulers of the day was strengthened. The Manimekala epic was created to justify all kinds of oppression when Buddhism merged with state power.</p>N Murugesapandian
2025-01-012025-01-019311010.34293/tamil.v9i3.8595Textual Variations in Akananoor Hymns
<p>This article is written focusing on the textual differences found in songs 131, 133, 135 of Akananoor in Sangam literature, in the context where various text authors have found text in countless songs found in Tamil literature. Is the word transition correctly positioned as in the original text? The readers of the song will have a doubt. In order to understand the correct meaning of the word found in the original text, the different opinions of the speakers are included in this article.</p>V Kalavathi
2025-01-012025-01-0193111510.34293/tamil.v9i3.8596The Multifaceted Nature of a Woman’s Self-Existence – A Study Based on Anar’s Poems
<p>In the world of Eelam poetry, a dedicated space for female poets emerged only after the 1980s. Over time, female poets have expanded their presence, articulating deep feminist thoughts and structuring their poetry with profound linguistic frameworks, establishing a unique identity for themselves. A poet derives themes from society, shaping not only their own literary voice but also influencing the community. In this context, this study explores the multifaceted nature of a woman’s self-existence through the deeply personal and evocative poetry of Anar, the pseudonym of IssathReehaana Muhammad Azeez. Anar, hailing from Saindamaruthu in Eastern Sri Lanka, has made a distinct mark as a female poet, crafting a powerful and authentic voice in Tamil literature.</p>Vinothini Arivalagan
2025-01-012025-01-0193162110.34293/tamil.v9i3.8597Tamil Architecture in Nedunalwadai
<p>The architecture of the Tamils is understood to include achievements in art and science-based technologies that the world marvels at. Tamil Architecture is the art and science of architectural design of the ancient Tamils. Tamil architecture had a special place in the architectural technique a thousand years ago. Architecture is one of the arts cherished by the Tamils. The building was created to build a shelter for man to protect himself. This building gradually developed as a house, a house, a palace, and a temple. About the architecture of the Tamils we find in Sangha literary threads, we find rare information about Nedunalvadai, one of the Sangha literature books, contains information about architecture.</p>D KarthikeyanR Thilagavathy
2025-01-012025-01-0193222610.34293/tamil.v9i3.8598Moral Values in the Society Depicted in Silappathikaram
<p>Silappathikaram, one of the five great Tamil epics, is attributed to Ilango Adigal, a prince of the Chera dynasty. This work served as a model for later Tamil epics. The Sangam era is often referred to as the “Age of Righteousness” (Aram Nerikkaalam), highlighting the significance of morality during that time. The moral values presented in Silappathikaram can still be observed in the lifestyles of contemporary Tamil society. Since ancient times, people belonging to a particular culture have lived together as a society. Despite their collective way of life, they exhibited diversity and complexity. Social activities were characterized by differences and conflicts. Against this backdrop, Silappathikaram reveals various moral values relevant to the society of that period. Concepts such as justice for those who suffer injustice, the reverence for the chaste woman (Pattini), and the inevitability of fate (Uzhvinai) form the foundation of this epic. Silappathikaram also sheds light on various aspects of society, including the people’s way of life, culture, religion, the status of women, political justice, and legal traditions. This study aims to illustrate the moral values presented in the epic and analyze their relevance and usefulness for the Tamil community. Additionally, under the theme “Moral Values in the Society Depicted in Silappathikaram,” this research examines the extent to which the ethical principles described in the epic were followed in the societal structure of that time, how relevant they were to ancient society, and how applicable they are to modern society.</p>Thanisra Anandarasa
2025-01-012025-01-0193273610.34293/tamil.v9i3.8599Is ‘Silapathikaram’ An Epic of Justice?
<p>This study was carried out based on one of the five epics, Silapathikaram. The main objective of this study is to find out whether the Silapathikaram are written based on justice points.This study was carried out in a qualitative approach. The data for this review was handled in a library research approach. This research has been carried out in a descriptive approach using books, research articles, etc. suitable for this type of library research.In this study, six concepts of justice were identified.Through this study, evidence has been able to confirm that Silapathikaram is an epic of justice.</p>Navin G GanesonManonmani Devi Annamalai
2025-01-012025-01-0193374310.34293/tamil.v9i3.8410Sociobiographical Identities of Diaspora Tamil Women Narrators in Chinalakshmi’s Short Stories
<p>Many Tamil people in Singapore are contributing to the further growth of Tamil literature. Among them, female writers began to emerge after 1990. The research article aims to examine the current status of women writers in the contemporary literary world, the diaspora community, and how the identities of tamilwomem inform the lives of their narrators in the context of the Singaporean social context.</p>N VijayalakshmiP Tamilarasi
2025-01-012025-01-0193445010.34293/tamil.v9i3.8600Singapore’s Bilingual Policy and Tamil Education: An Introduction
<p>This article explores Singapore’s bilingual policy and its impact on the promotion of Tamil education within the country’s multi-ethnic society. It examines the significance of language policy in Singapore’s development and its social, economic, and educational consequences. Following the People’s Action Party’s rise to power in 1959, the bilingual policy—emphasizing English alongside mother tongues—was strongly advocated. Former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew recognized the necessity of English for economic growth, international trade, and scientific advancement while also acknowledging the importance of preserving multicultural identity through mother tongues. As a result, Tamil, Malay, and Chinese were incorporated into the bilingual policy. This policy played a crucial role in strengthening Tamil language education by promoting English-Tamil bilingualism among Tamils in Singapore. This article provides a concise overview of this policy and its role in enhancing Tamil education.</p>T Sundararaj
2025-01-012025-01-0193616510.34293/tamil.v9i3.8602Belief Myths in the Purathinai Society
<p>In the twentieth century, literary studies have evolved into various research fields. Influenced by Western scholarship, literary criticism has expanded into multiple specialized domains, including hermeneutic criticism, comparative criticism, appreciative criticism, and myth criticism. Among these, folklore criticism has seen significant growth, leading to the development of mythological studies. As a result, oral literary traditions passed down through generations have gained prominence. Myths permeate every aspect of society, influencing its cultural and ideological structures. Hence, myths are explicitly reflected in Sangam literature. This study examines the myths present in Purananuru, one of the classical Tamil Sangam literary texts, focusing on belief myths as a research subject.</p>PS Moovendan
2025-01-012025-01-0193667210.34293/tamil.v9i3.8603Traces of Tamil Studies – History and Values
<p>Every language’s literary and grammatical texts serve as historical models, recording human thought processes and shaping time and its contradictions. In this context, Sangam literature can be identified as valuable documentation that provides insights into the socio-cultural and intellectual traditions of ancient Tamil society. A deep analysis of the structure and thematic aspects of the poems in the Sangam corpus reveals oral traditions that were prevalent among the early Tamil communities. These compositions, which existed as oral poems before being transcribed onto manuscripts, highlight the transformation from oral to written traditions.The materials, cultural values, and historical sources that evolved from oral traditions to written records have been analyzed over time based on geographical and political contexts. With the arrival of Europeans and the spread of the printing press, Tamil studies underwent a shift influenced by scientific and Marxist perspectives. Researchers from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds integrated these perspectives, challenging previous interpretations and necessitating a re-reading of Tamil history and literature.This article aims to compile and compare the evolving research trends in Tamil studies over time, analyzing the various research trajectories that have shaped the field.</p>V Kannadasan