Innovation in Teaching English with Digital Tools


  • A. Govardhini Assistant Professor, Department of English, Sankara College of Science and Commerce, Coimbatore, India



Digital Tools, English Teaching, Interactive Activity, Interactive Boards, Internet and Pedagogy


The technology is omnipresent and indispensable at present era. Due to the technology, the education of teaching English is undergone an enormous transformation. The recent technology signifies the major development in the English language teaching and learning methods. The English teachers are very energetically integrating the technological teaching materials planned to make possible and through this, it helps the most advantageous in teaching delivery. According to the language teaching, the digital virtual media is occupied the classroom. At present era, the teaching is too interesting because of the digital media. The language teachers are creating a visualized of innovative in approach. “Technology in Education” is being an important role in educational field. The students need for technology in the education system. The conventional methods are based on lecturing but the present learning is foundation on interactive learning method. The modern technologies like Internet, Skype, Interactive Boards, Blogs, Android phones, Twitter, YouTube are used for the learner’s interactive session in the classroom. The research paper attempts to establish the use of technology in language teaching and it brings new teaching technique and to make sure the effective and quality based teaching.


