Digital Learning: A New Paradigm for Teaching and Learning


  • Sathish Research Scholar (Part Time), Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India



Digital Era, English Teaching, Interactive Activity, Modern Technology, Pedagogy


The landscape of education is undergoing a transformative change with the prevalence of online learning, marking a significant shift in pedagogical approaches. In today’s world, technology is omnipresent and essential, reshaping how English is taught. The integration of modern technology signifies a notable progression in contemporary English language education. English teachers now actively embrace various technological tools to enhance the effectiveness of their teaching methods. Digital media has become an integral part of language classrooms, making the overall teaching and learning experience more engaging and captivating. The incorporation of technology has not only added a creative and innovative dimension to education but has also given rise to terms like “e-Learning” and “Technology in Education” that hold significant importance in educational settings. 21st-century learners, attuned to technology, seamlessly integrate it into the education system. Unlike traditional lecture-based methods, today’s learning systems are interactive and dynamic. This paper seeks to explore the diverse elements of technology in English teaching, emphasizing innovative techniques that contribute to effective and high-quality education.


