From Text to Tech: Socio-Cultural Narratives Explored in Literature Using Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence


  • P Uma Assistant Professor, PG and Research Department of English, Vivekanandha College of Arts and Sciences for Women (A), Trichengode, India
  • G Shanmugam Intelsol Worldwide



Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, Literary Research, Anton Chekhov, Socio-Cultural Narratives, Isolation, Confinement, Ethical Considerations, Textual Analysis, Comparative Analysis


This article delves into Anton Chekhov’s Trilogy, employing Digital Humanities (DH) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to dissect sociocultural narratives intricately woven within the texts. Through AI-guided analysis and DH methodologies, this exploration unveils profound themes of isolation, societal norms, and human struggles, reshaping the traditional understanding of Chekhov’s work.
DH, an evolving field merging technology with humanities, enriches literary research by employing computational techniques to analyse cultural arte facts and texts. AI, particularly NLP and machine learning, revolutionizes the analysis of socio-cultural narratives, uncovering patterns, and exploring the evolving landscapes within literature.
The study focuses on three stories from Chekhov’s Trilogy, leveraging AI-driven tools like ChatGPT for comparative analysis. The narratives unveil the intricate complexities of isolation and confinement, showcasing characters constrained by societal expectations and personal choices. Moreover, the exploration dissects the clash between individual desires and societal norms, offering a critical commentary on the oppressive nature of conformity.
While AI’s utility in literary analysis is evident, the article acknowledges its limitations in contextual understanding and emotional depth, emphasizing the importance of human expertise in AI-driven research. This interdisciplinary approach reshapes literary research methodologies, offering fresh insights into the intricate relationship between literature, culture, and society, inviting further exploration in this domain.


