The Theme of Indianism in the Selected Works of Upamanyu Chatterjee


  • I Amal Raj Ph. D. Research Scholar (Part-Time), Assistant Professor, PG Department of English, Loyola College, Thiruvannamalai, India
  • S Jesurajan Associate Professor and Head, Department of English, Arul Anandar College (A), Madurai, India



Nationalism, Culture, Spiritual Nationalism, Religion, Acceptance, Assimilation, Spirituality


One of the most accomplished and prolific contemporary Indian writers of English is Upamanyu Chatterjee. With a strong sociocultural and Indian foundation, Chatterjee’s fields of expertise encompass a wide range of subjects while remaining deeply influenced by the rich legacy of Indian culture. The Spiritualism and nationalism are included on this list. For him, just like for Aurobindo Ghosh, nationalism entails a genuine dedication to one’s country and its people, regardless of their race, gender, caste, or place in society. India is a nation that embraces many languages, cultures, and religions. Religion- and culture-related disputes have always arisen. The conservative and narrow-minded religious leaders and politicians frequently have mislead the populace, which occasionally have caused riots. Upamanyu Chatterjee asserts that in a country with as many cultures as India, riots are inevitable. India has continued to expand over time despite being the target of multiple invasions and incursions. India’s greatest asset is its spirituality. It has been reinforced by them in all attacks, both internal and external. According to Upamanyu Chatterjee, the evil forces endangering the peace and harmony of the nation can be vanquished by grasping the core values of Indian culture. The comparison and analysis of the nationalistic and spiritualist ethos found in the selected works of Upamanyu Chatterjee is the main goal of this research project.


