Literary Adaptations: A Gateway to Linguistic Mastery Through the Alluring World of Film


  • J. V Nithine M.A. English and Comparative Literature, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai



Literature, Flim, Language, Language Structure, Translate, Phonetic styles, Course materials, Language Forms, Documentaries, Vocabulary, Communication skills, Multilingualism


Nowadays the impact of technological advancements have been expanding in standard of living steadily, subsequently we experience plenty of advancements in instructive field. Particularly, varying media materials which are utilized in education are important to innovation. Film makes the gathering of literary work simpler by utilizing varying media components specifically and the viewpoint of equipment which is utilized, film is qualified as innovative benefit for the divisions of literature. An awesome deal of literary works is adjusted into movies and literature has been a source for film industry and it is in progress. In this article we have evaluated whether or not the divisions of Worlds Dialect and Literature in the whole world utilize movies which are as an marker of innovative advances. New directions in language learning and educating are evident Nowadays. Students bring transnational, multicultural, multilingual, and carefully intervened encounters and characters into classrooms still in some cases as well much demonstrated on obsolete one language, one culture, one country ideologies. Literature’s value in these new circumstances is to challenge readers to free interpretations, learning, and imagination, with revived understandings of what language, culture or without a doubt literature could be. In this paper I review some relevant later mediations into the outside language instruction field. I then provide a brief case from my own use of a literary content in this article.


