Breaking Boundaries; Exploring New Avenues in Teaching and Learning Literature in Digital Age


  • P Ajeetha M.A. English and Comparative Literature, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai



Literature, Innovative approaches, Innovative teaching, Learning literature


Literature and Language are the two faces of a coin. Literature could be a academic instrument to learn language. Language comes following to the nourishment. We are so personally recognizable with it that we take it for allowed like we do breathing or strolling. Literature upgrades the development of the dialect. The present article intends to explore the dialect intuitive and classroom talks that take part in ‘Literature circles’. Literature can offer assistance learners to develop their understanding of other cultures, awareness of contrasts and to create the method of learning and understanding in common. Literature is a written literary works, especially those of high and long-lasting artistic worth. Language - A system of communication made up of sounds, words, and grammar, or the system of communication used by a specific country’s people.
Language training is one form of effective expression and communication, but the usage of English as a tool of communication has become a critical prerequisite. Most English teachers who choose to teach English do not know how to educate, but happily, there are certain teachers in our country who have revolutionized their classrooms by incorporating Innovations in English Language Teaching. “Change is the law of Nature,” as the phrase goes, and “Change is the Universe’s greatest boon.” We all know that seasons change, habits change, attitudes change, and so on, and that every living thing goes through countless changes from birth to death. So, in light of this, why can’t the educational system evolve with new techniques, skills, and innovations? We, the educators, feel strongly that we are the builders of the next generation and that we can bring innovation to the teaching and learning of literature.


