Socio Cultural Influences in Manju Kapur’s Novel the Immigrant


  • D Sivaranjani M.S.S. Wakf Board College, Madurai, India
  • T.M.S. Maideen Assistant Professor, M.S.S. Wakf Board College, Madurai, India



Society, Culture, Nature, Immigrant, Self-Discipline, Rootlessness


Manju Kapur is a famous Indian writer. Her novels are Difficult Daughter, A Married Woman, Home, The Immigrant, and Custody. Kapur famous for expressing woman’s thoughts in female perspective. Her protagonists are belonging to the background of middle class. Kapur’s novels’ themes expressing feminist thoughts. Kapur’s portrait her female characters psychological condition in family life, and their needs, their agony then express how their overcome their problems. The main problem is seeking respect, attention from their husband, when their expectations fail to satisfied after that they start to think about themselves. Their sense of neglection make them to get their self-respect, self-identity and want them to stand in their own feet. This paper going to critically analyze Manju Kapur’s novel the Immigrant with the help of Sociocultural theory.


