Digital Humanities as a Treasure Trove for the Developing Countries: An Exploration


  • J. Vishalinromiya PG Student, Department of English & Comparative Literature, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai



Arts, Cultural Studies, Developing Countries, Digital Technology, Digital Humanities, Social Behavior, Treasure Trove


Digital humanities integrate the methods from conventional humanities disciplines (such as rhetoric, history, philosophy, linguistics, literature, art, archaeology, music, and cultural studies) and social sciences. It encompasses both digitized and born-digital materials. In addition to altering our way of life, contemporary technology has also had an impact on our perceptions, thoughts, and analyses of modernity. An Integrated Learning Major (ILM) called “digital humanities” blends the conventional humanities strengths with an emphasis on digital and information technology. As a tool for the humanities and as a subject of humanistic study, it allows students to expand their knowledge of the humanities to digital culture. Communication between people is always the foundation of social behavior. Communication tools, access is now incredibly simple and reasonably priced. In the subject of literature, organizing the deluge of information properly is a major difficulty. Not only has modern technology altered our way of life, but it has also had an impact on our perception, reasoning, and analysis. This article reveals that Digital humanities as a treasure trove for the developing countries through literature, language and other areas such as the arts (e.g. paintings, sculpture, architecture, music, films), philosophy, psychology and social sciences (e.g. politics, economics, history,sociology).


