Data Mining for Literary Trends: A Big Data Approach


  • J. Jerom Stuward Government Law College, Salem, India
  • S. Sri Gugan Government Law College, Salem, India
  • A. Subhashini Assistant Professor, Government Law College, Salem, India



Digital Humanities, Literary Trends, Big Data, Data Mining, Stylometric Analysis


In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital humanities, the exploration of literary trends through the lens of big data and data mining methodologies. Traditional approaches to literary analysis have grappled with the sheer volume of textual data, hindering comprehensive examinations across diverse genres and historical periods. Recognizing the transformative potential of big data, these limitations and provide a scalable framework for the nuanced exploration of literary landscapes. On harnessing the power of data mining to uncover overarching trends, stylometric nuances, and thematic evolutions within expansive bodies of literature. Drawing from digital libraries, online platforms, and literary archives, our dataset spans a wide array of genres, authors, and historical epochs. The systematic methodology involves rigorous data pre-processing to ensure quality and consistency, coupled with the application of carefully selected data mining algorithms to extract meaningful patterns. Illustrative case studies form a pivotal part of our investigation, demonstrating the versatility and depth of insights achievable through our big data approach. The interpretative aspects of the findings, unravelling implications for literary studies and criticism. Ethical considerations, including biases in algorithms and responsible data usage, are addressed, underscoring the ethical dimensions of our research. The transformative power of data mining in uncovering literary trends on a scale previously unimaginable. By synthesizing computational methodologies with the richness
of literary expression, our study contributes to the burgeoning field of digital humanities, offering valuable insights into the evolution of language and storytelling.


