A Study on Service Quality of Select Commercial Banks with Special Reference to Namakkal District

  • S Subadra Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Commerce, NKR Government Arts College for Women, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India
  • K Deepa Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Arignar Anna Government Arts College, Namakkal,Tamil Nadu, India
  • S P Sreekala Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, KSR College of Engineering, Tiruchengode, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Service Quality, Commercial banks, Customers, CNX listed Banks, Customer Satisfaction, Public Sector banks, Private Sector banks


Indian banking has undergone major transformation in three eras, namely Pre-nationalisation era, Post-nationalisation era and Post-liberalisation era. The banks render number of services to the various priority sectors of the economy like agriculture, industry, trade and education. The Indian banking sector tries to respond to the emerging challenges that are posed because of increased competition. All banks in India are struggling to retain their existing customers and to bring new customers owing to the fact that there is severe competition between banks. They try to satisfy their customers by providing quality in services. Hence, the study of quality of services of banks appears to be a lucrative area for the further improvement in the field.

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