A Study on Customer Perception towards the Services of Public Sector Banks in Madurai City

  • V Anand Department In-charge, Department of Commerce, Madurai Kamaraj University Constituent College of Arts and Science, Aruppukottai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Banking, services, customer attitude, perception, public sector bank


Banks play a positive role in economic development of a country. The banks have over the years, shown remarkable responsiveness to the needs of a planned economy. Customer service implies the satisfaction of customer needs. Today’s customers are smarter more demanding, less forgiving and they are approached by many more competitors with equal or better offers in this competitive world. For that they need to learn the customers’ perception quality. A good customer service is building a bond with the customers. The success of every bank fully depends upon the various ranges of services provided to the customers and how much it fulfills customer needs. As a banker we are not doing them a favour by serving them. They are doing as a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so. Of the survey made by the researcher, classified the customer based on gender, age, marital status, education qualification, occupation, monthly income, type of family, size of the family and residential status. Majority of the customers have savings account and main purpose of open an account for savings purpose. Weighted arithmetic method indicates that “Reputation of the bank” are main reasons persuading the customers for having an account in public sector banks.

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