A Study on the Ratio Determinants of the Efficiency of IDBI Bank

  • R Navaneethakrishnasamy Research Scholar (Part time) PG & Research Department of Commerce, Sri SRNM College, Sattur, Tamil Nadu, India
  • S Mathivannan Associate Professor and Head PG & Research Department of Commerce, Sri SRNM College, Sattur, Tamil Nadu, India
  • M Sharmila Devi Research Scholar (Part time) PG & Research Department of Commerce, Sri SRNM College, Sattur, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: IDBI Bank, Operational efficiency, Discriminant Analysis, Wilks Lambda Test


The Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI Bank) was established as a wholly-owned subsidiary ofReserve Bank of India in 1964 to provide credit and other financial facilities for development of the fledging Indian Industry. It has undergone various changes from its inception to till date. Therefore, an attempt has been made in this paper is to evaluate the dominating ratios for measuring the efficiency of the IDBI Bank.

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