Investment Behaviour among Information Technology Professionals – A Review

  • Sawant Kamalakar Ramakant Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
  • M Santhi Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Madurai Kamaraj University College, Madurai
Keywords: Investment, Real Estate, Mutual Fund, Gold, Information Technology Professionals


An investment is an asset or item that is acquired with the expectation that it will increase inAn investment is an asset or item that is acquired with the expectation that it will increase invalue or generate income in the future. Purchasing products that are not immediately utilised but areinstead employed to generate income in the future is referred to as an investment in the economicsense. An investment in finance is a financial asset that is purchased with the expectation that it willeither increase in value and be sold at a higher price, or that it will generate income in the future.Investing is the process of now committing money in anticipation of a favourable rate of return in thefuture. Currently, there is a wide variety of investments available. Various investment options areaccessible for consideration when making an investment, such as equity shares, mutual funds, PPFs, bank deposits, gold and silver, insurance, real estate, and national pension plans. Public ProvidentFunds and bank deposits are the most secure and preferred investment options, while equitiesinvestments are the most profitable in comparison. India's economy has been performingexceptionally well in recent months.

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