Job Satisfaction and Profile of Selected Public and Private Sector Banks - Some Theoretical Issues

  • S Azhagarasi Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Bharathiar University, coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • S Vijayakumar Department of Management Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India


Job satisfaction is a general attitude which is the result of many specific attitudes in three areas, namely specific job factors, individual characteristics, and group relationship outside the job. It is a pleasurable emotional state arising from the appraisal of one’s job or job experience, job satisfaction or dissatisfaction is a function of the perceived relationship between what one wants from one’s job and what one perceives it as offering or entering. Job satisfaction is a specific subset of attitudes held by organizational members about their jobs. It is viewed as a positive attitude toward one’s work, which is global in nature, and which results from many job-related experiences. In this chapter, an attempt is made to discuss the concepts of job satisfaction, evaluation and need for job satisfaction, theories and factors relating to job satisfaction, and importance of job satisfaction.

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