Policyholders Awareness on SBI Life Insurance Plans in Coimbatore District

  • V Prema Ph.D., (Full Time) Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Government Arts College, Udumalpet, Tamil Nadu, India
  • R Gopi Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Government Arts College, Udumalpet, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Awareness, Customer and Plans.


Indian Insurance Industry is growing at a rapid speed. SBI Life Insurance Industry is one of the leading insurance companies which have over 32.22 crores customers across its operations as on 30thJune 2017. It continuously innovate new plans and services to facilitate its customers. This induced theresearcher to know the customers reason for choosing SBI life insurance, their level of awareness on the plans offered and the factors that influence their level of awareness. One hundred and twenty SBI life insurance company in Coimbatore district were selected to express their view by adopting convenient sampling technique. The study revealed that respondents have selected SBI life insurance Company due to its “secured savings” followed by Brand Image/Goodwill. Majority of the respondents are with low level of awareness on the plans offered by SBI life insurance. There exist a significant difference between gender and level of awareness on the plans offered. Occupation of the customers has an influence on the level of awareness on the plans.

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