Empowerment of Tribal Women through Livelihood Development

  • T Santhiya Rani Associate Professor, Department of Commerce (CA), Shri Nehru Maha Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science, Malumachambati, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Participation, Empowerment, Tribal women, Livelihood, Development


Tribal women play a significant role in the economic development of tribals as they contribute in various economic activities and education is one of the them. Money lending and Indebtedness, despite legal and protective measures to curb money lending in scheduled areas and provisions for debt relief, enforcement has been weak and ineffective. The non- recognition of the consumption needs of tribals and the non-availability of institutional consumption credit makes tribal people fall easy victim to money lenders and leads to dependence on them. The study entitled “Empowerment of tribal women through livelihood development “aimed to study the profile characteristics of tribal women, to analyse the relationship of socio-personal and socio- psychological characteristics with the level of participation of tribal women, to find out the empowerment level of tribal women to explore the constraints faced by the tribal women in participating in the cultural practices and to get suggestions to overcome the constraints.

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