Impact of Transformational Factor of Deming’s Principles in Paper Industries

  • M Vijay Hemalatha Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal, TamilNadu, India
  • N Rajasekar Professor and Head, Department of Business Administration, Thiagarajar College, Madurai, TamilNadu, India
Keywords: Total Quality Management, Deming’s Principles, values of employees and organization, Employees demographic profile


This study attempts to test the relationship between age and category of jobto values adopted byindividuals and organizations which is one of theprinciples of Deming’s.TQM is a majororganizational change that requires a transformation in the Organization’s Culture ,Values andBeliefs,Processes etc., Data was collected through structured questionnaire method .The respondentsin this study were employees of paper industriesin Tamil Nadu.The study utilized primary data whichis collected throughquestionnaire. Hypotheses were set and tested using IBM SPSS 21version forstatistical analysis .The result showed there is significant difference amongage andcategory of jobwith respect to values for successful implementation of Deming’s principles.

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