Quality of Work Life in Engineering Limited Company

  • L Satheeskumar Assistant Professor of Commerce, Kunthavai Naacchiyar Govt. Arts College for Women (Autonomous), Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India),
Keywords: Compensation, Carrier Growth, Social Relevance, Work Force


This study is conducted on Quality of Work Life in Engineering Limited Company at Trichy.Theresearcher has gone for both primary and secondary data.The sample size refers to the number ofitems to be selected from the universe to constitute sample, where ‘sample’ is the respondents. Thesample size for the study is 50 out of 206.The main objective of this study is, therefore, to know theexisting work life of the employees in BEPL, to study the level of workers satisfaction with reference toquality of work life at BEPL, to understand the opinion of the workers regarding work, workenvironment, relationship with superiors, safety and welfare measuresand training programmes andto arrive at findings and suggestions to improve the living standards of employees.The studyconcludes thatmajority of the respondents are satisfied with their present work life. Attention issought in certain aspects of quality like stress relieving programmes, tour arrangement, canteen,restroom facilities which need to be catered to build a safer, healthier and better organization/ workenvironment.

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