Factors Influencing the Intellectual Capital of Indian Universities: A Students Perspective

  • M Thinesh Kumar Doctoral Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, School of Management, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India
  • V Kavida Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, School of Management, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India
Keywords: Intellectual capital, Universities, Students Perspective, Higher Education Institutions


India possesses a highlydeveloped education system, next only to United States of America andChina (World Bank, 2010) and will have the second largest graduate talent pipeline globally,following china ahead of the USA (OECD, 2012). Universities in India is undergoing a metamorphosisdue to increasing stakeholder demand for the greater transparency, the increasing competitionbetween universities and firms, a greater autonomy which compels the universities towardsevaluating and reporting the intellectual capital. The students, researchers, faculty, administratorsand service staff are considered as the valuable intangible resources of the University. The currentstudy attempts to explore the student’s perception on Intellectual Capital of Universities. It alsodiscovers the influence of demographic variables on student’s perspective on Intellectual Capital ofUniversities and also brings out the differences between the students perspective

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