Empirical Anlysis on Tuberculosis in India

  • M Chitra Assistant Professor, Department of Econometrics, School of Economics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, TamilNadu, India
  • B Laxmi Kanta Research Scholar, School of Economics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Tuberculosis, Incidence, Prevalence, Public Health Expenditure


This paper made an attempt to find the growth rate of Tuberculosis and the amount spent by thegovernment for controlling morbidity in total public healthexpenditure. The growth of communicablemorbidity named Tuberculosis is negative over the period.The trend value of incidence, prevalenceand mortality of Tuberculosis is negative and inversely related the time. The share of Expenditure onTuberculosis Programme on Public Health Expenditure is zig zag over the period.

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