Evolution of Floral Industries Across the International Borders

  • R Radhika Devi Assistant Professor, Women’s Studies Centre, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai,Tamil Nadu, India
  • N Jegatheesan Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India


Floriculture is emerging as an important commercial crop. A lot of importance has been given to this sector due to its multiple uses, satisfying the aesthetic needs of the people, creating more employment, ensuring higher rate of returns to rural people and facilitating earning more foreign exchange.The authors have tried to elucidate the contemporary changes in the floriculture sectorafter globalization. The production of flowers is an age-old occupation. Till the last decade, thegrowing and selling offlowers was family business, they grew a variety of flowers on their land which was sold to the neighbour house. This was mostly carried out in small scale and it is unorganized innature and moreover Small and medium farmers who cultivate flowers are unaware and have veryless technical knowledge about effective ways of that lead to the production of quality products. Now a days private players have started showing interest in the production and export of flowers in largescale and in a systematized way. Therefore, flowers which were, confined to domestic markets arenow move to long distances through airfreight with hi-tech cooling systems. Hence, flowers are indemand all year round both in domestic and foreign markets.

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