Defectness and Prosepects of Women Entrepreneurship in the New Era

  • P Samantha Ph.D., Research Scholar in Commerce, Mother Teresa Women's University, Kodaikkanal
Keywords: Entrepreneurship development, Women entrepreneurs, problems, future prospects, India


Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy. These are the people who have the skills and initiative necessary to take good new ideas to market and make the right decisions to make the idea profitable. Entrepreneurship has been a male-dominated phenomenon from the very early age but time has changed the situation and brought women as today's most memorable and inspirational entrepreneurs. The position and status of women in any society is an index of its civilization and progress. Women are equally competent in running business but still lacks behind in spite of women empowerment movement in our country, there are social, cultural and economic hurdles in the way of women entrepreneurship and the major problem is lack of entrepreneurial environment. In spite of having the potential and talent, women are deprived of opportunities, information and education. The paper talks about the status of women entrepreneurs & also analyze the factors which motivates women to start their own venture and the problems faced by them when they ventured out to carve their own niche in the competitive world of business environment. An attempt is made to understand the role of government to accelerate the growth of women entrepreneurship.

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