A Study on Emerging Trends in Indian Automobile Industry and its Customers Satisfaction

  • R Menaka Assistant professor, Department of Management Studies (DDE), Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
  • K Ashath Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
Keywords: Modern Marketing Concept, Consumer Behaviour and buying motivation, Effective Penetration, Reliability and Growth Driver


The essence of Modern Marketing concept is that all elements of business should be geared towards the satisfaction of consumers. This requires a thorough understanding of Consumer Behaviour and buying motivations. Without such insights, marketers will fail to segment markets effectively and define strategies for an effective penetration into the defined market segment. Recognizing the importance of consumer understanding, research into consumer motivation, beliefs, attitudes, learning perception and opinion has made tremendous stride during the last decade. Today in automobile industries consumer satisfaction depend on comfort and convenience in during the usage of their wheelers. Reliability, modern style and economy are demanded by the mass segment while convenience is important feature for the emerging segment seeking the power, pleasure their usages. Consumers are very important of the survival of the automobile manufacturing industry. Access to latest and most efficient technology and techniques will bring competitive advantage to the major players. Utilizing manufacturing plants tooptimum level and understanding implications from the government policies are the essential in the automotive Industry of India. The Role of Automobile Industry in India GDP has been phenomenon. The Automobile Industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in India. The increase in the demand for cars, and other vehicles, powered by the increase in the income is the primary growth driver of the automobile industry in India. The introduction of tailor made finance schemes, easy repayment schemes has also helped the growth of the automobile sector.

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