Economic and Financial Implications of E-Banking in India

  • D C Stalin Assistant Professor of Accounts and Finance, Sur University College, Sur, Sultanate of Oman
  • Mahmoud Nayef Al-Manayseh Assistant Professor of Accounts and Finance, Sur University College, Sur, Sultanate of Oman
Keywords: Automated Teller Machines, E-banking, Economic, Financial Implications


Electronic Banking act, perhaps, the newest ways to provide comfort to the customer in regards to fiscal transactions. The significant idea is to provide a movement of organizations to the customer in the course of the web and cause the customer to feel versatile in getting out straightforward undertakings quicker rather than step over the bank unfailingly. Now, assured, for the most part, pleasing and less danger orchestrated looked by using banking parts the utilization of E-commerce. Electronic Banking is treated to significantly influence banks’ exhibition. An ever-increasing number of individuals are adjusting to this procedure, and the financial business will unquestionably expand. The development of E-Banking started with the usage of ATMs and has incorporated mobile banking, direct invoice section, E-store, and online banking. The present research shows that effective use based on Electronic Banking can empower their nearest banks to reduce working costs and give an unrivaled and snappy help of their customer. It gives a comprehension into various piece of Electronic Banking. The move from the proper banking to Electronic Banking has been a striking change in Indian financial history. In this way, Electronic Banking today ends up being a solid creative instrument in conveying refined and improved administrations to clients. This examination uncovers that the economic and financial implications associated with Electronic Banking in India.

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