Business Process Outsourcing in India

  • N Surega Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
  • K Uma Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
Keywords: BPO, ITE’s, Indian BPO, Growth, Global BPO


India is one of the largest democracy countries in the world, is a huge country located in the south Asia with an increasing population of over one billion, the second largest in the world after China. India is one of the main BPO hubs in the world with its large pool of relatively – skilled human capital and lower wages. BPO has become a key component of any global business model. Among the service industries, ITES and BPO Sectors are providing enormous job options to the needy especially the young persons in the country. However, the BPO industry in India is maturing and facing constraints and challenges for further expansion. Some of these constraints include lack of employable talent, social norms, increasing operational cost and breaches of security in handling client’s confidential data.

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