The Role of Women Agricultural Labourers in Changing Economic Conditions of Landless Labourers and Cultivators-Cum-Labourers in Madurai District of Tamil Nadu

  • T Ramanathan Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Economics, MK University, Madurai
  • E Inbaparanjothi Ph. D, Research Scholar, MK University, Madurai
Keywords: Cultivators, Child Rearing, Gram Panchayat Mahila and Feminization


India being an agricultural country, one of the most disquieting features of the rural economy has been the growth of agricultural workers, cultivators and agricultural labourers engaged in crop production. Women suffer from a multiple burden on their time due to their home making, child rearing and income earning responsibilities. When they work the whole day in fields and forests, they need appropriate support services like crèches and child care centers. A Gram Panchayat Mahila fund should be established to enable SHGs and other women’s groups to undertake community activities that help to meet essential gender specific needs. The feminization of agriculture, due to male out migration, needs specific attention with reference to gender sensitive farm and credit policies. All research, development and extension programmes in agriculture and all services must be engendered.

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