Development and Population Growth in India – A Study with Reference to Tribes of Salem District in Tamilnadu

  • J Joyce Martha Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Political Science (Interdisciplinary in Public Administration) R & D Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Keywords: nought-nothing, nullified-offset, bewildering-confusing, phenomenal-large, undermines-destroy, aquatic-of water, unpotabel-undrinkable, demographic-of population, decelerate-decrease


Population explosion is one of the most crucial problems facing the country today. It has resulted in deforestation, inflation, excessive urbanization, congestion, shortages, etc. Most of the gains of economic growth have been offset by the increase in population. The rapid, alarming increase in population must be checked. Unless timely action is taken, the situation may get out of control and lead to severe hardships for people.

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