Organized and Un-Organized Retail Outlets – A Study of Consumer Perception in Coimbatore

  • K Singaravelu Asst. Prof. and Research Supervisor, C.B.M. College, Coimbatore
  • J SamuelCaeser Pickens Asst. Prof. Dr.SNSR CAS. Coimbatore
Keywords: Perception, Opinion, Organized retail, Unorganized retail, Factors of influence


The arrival of organized retailers and the large customer fascination and retention marketing strategies, the value – added services and the adoption of the technology of patronizing the customers have made the Indian market wide open for their exploration. The unorganized retailers in the field have already added the product mix and their selling assortments have increased. The consumers prefer to buy all at one visit and all at one place. The organized and the unorganized retailers feel the pitch and are perplexed about their attitude towards the consumer, so the researcher has chosen this topic to provide an insight about the factors that influence the purchase and the consumers opinion about both the formats and also to provide suggestions for acquiring and retaining consumers for their business.

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