A Study on Social Media Marketing in the Digitalized Era – With Special Focus on its Pros and Cons

  • J. Duraichamy Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Research Centre, Sourashtra College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Social Organizations, Standard, Traditional Techniques, Modern Era, Outbound Marketing, Societal Changes, Integrate Marketing


Social Marketing attempts to make and facilitate marketing thoughts with various approaches to manage sway rehearses that favorable position individuals and organizations for the more noticeable social incredible. Social Marketing practice is guided by moral norms. It attempts to arrange research, best practice, speculation, gathering of observers and organization information, to prompt the movement with respect to competition fragile and separated social change programs that are convincing, profitable, unbiased and possible. Social media itself is a stunt all term for objections that may give definitely remarkable social exercises. For instance, Twitter is a social site expected to allow people to share short messages or “updates” with others. Facebook, alternately is a far and away social frameworks organization site that thinks about sharing updates, photos,
joining events and an assortment of various activities. Social media regularly channels into the divulgence of new substance, for instance, reports, and “disclosure” is a request activity. Social media can likewise help manufacture joins that in this way uphold into SEO attempts. Various people additionally perform take a gander at social media areas to find social media content. Social associations may likewise influence the noteworthiness of some question things, either inside a social media orchestrate or at a ‘standard’ web file. Social frameworks organization locales empower individuals to interface with one another and gather associations. Right when organizations join these social channels, buyers can speak with them genuinely. That association can be more near and dear to customers than standard strategies for outbound marketing and publicizing. So, it is being a motivational factor for the researcher to have a study on this entitled on ‘social media marketing’. This study concentrates mainly on advantages (pros) and disadvantages (cons) of SMM.

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