Determinants of Occupational Health Problems of Industrial Workers in Coimbatore - Tamil Nadu

  • A Sangamithra Professor, Department of Economics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • P Sindia Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Industry, Labor, Environment, Policy, Academics, Economics


The problems of industrial workers is a matter of concern for the partners of industry, Research scholars, academicians, policy makers, planners, labor leaders, and social workers. Recently there has been a growing awareness of the existence, importance, and needs of the unprotected workers. The unprotected workers are, by definition, disadvantaged workers, the degree varies from section to section. There is a lot of research in the field of unprotected workers. But very few research has been carried out about the unprotected industrial workers belonging to engineering and foundry units, who form a sizeable proportion of the total labor force. There is an immediate need to focus on occupational safety for the formal/organized industrial workers. In India, occupational health safety has so far benefited, only for workers of the formal sector. Against this background, the current study attempted to know the Determinants of Occupational Health Problems of industrial workers in Coimbatore – Tamilnadu. The study found that the sample industrial workers appear to be suffering from occupational-related health problems has increased with an increase in their current age, and such likelihood is also noted as moderately higher among those who are in debt, but unexpectedly such suffering from health problems is also found to be higher among those who own assets.

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