A study on Role of Multispecialty Hospitals in Healthcare with Special Reference to Metro Hospital Shimoga

  • Manjula Bai H Faculty Member, Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Commerce Sahyadri College of Commerce and Management, Shimoga, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Multispecialty, Echocardiography, Cardiology. CT Scan, Intensive Care Unit, High Dependency Unit


This paper is designed to study the role of multispecialty hospitals in improving the healthcare system in the economy. The study is based with special reference to METRO Hospital in Shimoga. This study is done to assess the types and components of technology used in the multispecialty hospital which has helped lots of patients in improving their healthcare and saved their lives. The study aims to understand the nature of growth and market structure in the Healthcare Sector, to know the recent trends in the present Hospital scenario, to study the opportunities and challenges in Hospital scenario, to know the marketing and business strategies of the Metro hospital and to know the implementation of technology in Metro. The study focus on the degree of management skills that the hospital utilise in effective use of technology. For the purpose of the study, the researcher has selected 50 respondents who are the patients (Both Inpatients and Outpatients) of the hospital. Descriptive research methodology is used to conduct the study. It includes survey and fact finding enquiries of different kind. It focused on the problems or the benefits availed from the hospital. All patients of various category in the Hospital were surveyed by using questionnaire and the level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction from Hospital was studied. Finally the detailed information about the benefits about the Hospital were considered. Finally, it makes an attempts to offer suggestions to the management of the hospital, regarding how better they can do to improve the management of the Hospital.

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