A Study on Significance of Competence of Services Provider in KnowledgeBased Service Marketing

  • P Ponraj Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Research Centre Sourashtra College (A), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • T.P Ramprasad Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Research Centre Sourashtra College (A), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: BPO, Knowledge based services, Service provider, Competence, Book marking


In India BPO is a main source of knowledge based services. BPO offers many benefits, It aids in cost reduction by lowering HR costs, such as wage bills, perks, employee benefits, and administrative overheads. Only the client is responsible for the cost of meaningful, high-quality work produced by Bookmarking knowledge-based services is a complicated process with numerous important considerations and the objective of the study is to know significance of competence of the service provider in knowledge-based services for this data has been collected from 30 sample respondents, SPSS package has been used to derive statistical inference.

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