Moderating Effect of Burnout in the Relationship Between Employee Personality and Job Performance Towards Quality of Work-Life

  • Arul Ramanatha Pillai Assistant Professor & Research Advisor, PG and Research, Department of Commerce, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Pradeep Kunjupilla Gopalakrishna Kurup Ph.D Research scholar (Part-Time), PG and Research, Department of Commerce, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Quality of Work-life, Burnout, Employee Personality, Job Performance


Purpose: In the present society, the improvement of work-life has become one of the main objectives of any association and its staff. Since there is an immediate connection between the executives and the nature of work-life, presenting new life to its staff through working on the nature of work-life is the way to progress any institutions
Methods: In this research, the purposive sampling method was adopted to define the population. Accordingly, the faculty members are the sample. The conceptual framework was framed and hypotheses were constructed.
Findings: The results indicate that there was a relationship between the personality of the employee and their job performance on the quality of work-life among the faculty members. Hence, involvements to develop the quality of work-life, decrease burnout and optimize the level of personal execution.

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