Landscape of Entrepreneurial Finance: Evidence from Cross- National Studies

  • Sathvik S Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies Allum Karibasappa Institute of Management, Ballari, Karnataka
Keywords: Economic Development, Entrepreneurial Finance, Capitalisation Theories, Financing Sources, Ventures


The success of any venture or start up and economic development of nation does not just happen they are the outcomes of the combination of flexible business environment, government policies, planning, efforts and innovations of an entrepreneurs a right combination of all the factors results in achievement of entrepreneurs. The factors contributing to the development of any economy are labor, land, technology, natural resources, capital and entrepreneurship. Among all the factors key component is entrepreneur and Capital. In practice an entrepreneur faces many hurdles while setting up his enterprises. Financing is a major problem faced by most of the entrepreneurs hence it is essential to consider the various sources of entrepreneurial finance available to start a new business. In this research article author has made an effort to trace out the sources of entrepreneurial finance potentially makes it easier to raise the funds and develop the startups. The objective of the study is to identify the financial sources to start new ventures, and to understand the capitalization theories. To look over the literature carried in the domain of entrepreneurial finance and also to offer principle findings of the study in entrepreneurial finance.

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