A Study on Impact of Online Marketing on Customer in Rural Areas at Ambur

  • P Kavitha Assistant Professor of PG and Research Department of Commerce, Islamiah Women’s Arts and Science College (Affiliated to Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore) Vaniyambadi, Tirupattur
Keywords: Online Marketing, Impact, Attitude of Customer Towards Online Purchase


Online marketing is the concept which emerges in a last decade. It evolved very well in western countries. It concentrates more on Chronic equipment one more area in which this marketing concentrates is the educational sector The customer are focused in the internet only for the purpose of information but as the technology improve and the people started migration. They concentrated in e-online marketing. Close to 70% of India’s population resides in villages, and are in the rural segment. With India truly on the path of global IT leadership, it first needs to look into itself or not. With the advent of E-commerce, one reason for the same is that urban business have all the advantages of technology, while rural business. Rural India has not been able to take advantage of ICT (information and communication technology). Basic strategy to be followed in e-online marketing is the creating awareness of the product or service. It is not easy to create the awareness of the product. If the segment is very niche, it is so tedious to attract the peoples mind. It requires lot of creativity and data regarding the product or service. The online marketing has impact on the rural marketing. The study is undertaken to identify the factors influencing purchase and study the attune of customers.

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