Fostering Resilience in Entrepreneurs: Strategies, Challenges, and Implications

  • M. Malathi Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli
  • T. P. Karpagam Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli
Keywords: Resilience, Entrepreneurship, Adaptive Strategies, Challenges, Sustainable Ventures


This paper delves into the concept of resilience within the entrepreneurial context, emphasizing its pivotal role in navigating the turbulent waters of business ventures. Entrepreneurs, as agents of innovation and change, encounter multifaceted challenges ranging from market uncertainties to financial constraints. Understanding resilience not only as a personal attribute but also as a dynamic process intertwined with organizational strategies becomes imperative for sustainable entrepreneurial endeavours. Drawing upon interdisciplinary research, this paper examines the dimensions of resilience, its determinants, and the strategies for cultivating resilience among entrepreneurs. Additionally, it elucidates the challenges hindering resilience development and proposes practical implications for fostering resilience in entrepreneurial ecosystems.

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